It hasn't rained all afternoon, and I've been inside a good few hours.
Screw it, I'm going to buy some Pepsi. Carpe diem and whatnot. It's on offer at Morrisons, so it's completely worth the 20 minute walk considering each can is the equivalent of 25p. Yeah. You heard, 25p. So you can understand where I'm coming from.
Warm coat or rain coat? There's a patch of blue sky. Warm coat. It ain't too toasty out there.
20 minutes later, I'm at Morrisons. I'M SORRY WHAT. No Pepsi. The sign is there. '1/2 price' in big, bold, boasty font. The shelf, however, bare, glowing with bitter-sweet disappointment.
Fine, I think, grumpily. Me and my half price cucumber and Morrison's value salsa will just leave then. Screw you all and your lack of Pepsi Max.
'I like your gloves' said some man by the door. 'Ha, thanks' I replied, and moved quickly on.
On, it soon became clear, to the Antarctic. Complete with a 'aha fuck you' from God in the shape of hailstorms.
Do you have any idea how much hailstones hurt your already numb fingers and face? No? I DO.
I made it home, just about, in my now wet over-attached skinny jeans, sodden coat and once-white shoes.
Lesson learnt: Morrisons is rubbish. Oh, and always wear your raincoat.