Today is no particularly special day. It's average to say the least.
Despite the day beginning with potential, the delightful sunshine bursting through my window, even the weather has realised how distinctly average today is, and has given up. It's cloudy, my, what a surprise.
'Why are you telling me this?' I hear you ask. You didn't?... Well humour me, pretend you did.
Today may not be a particularly exciting nor interesting day, but - time to get deep - each day is what you make it. So do something interesting, different, out of the ordinary. Even if it's something small. It doesn't have to be inventing the wheel or hang-gliding. Make someones day. Buy a homeless man a chocolate bar. Why not? You have nothing to lose. The day is yours. Do with it what you will. Carpe that diem!
Today is a Saturday, in April, and *crack*. There goes my blog virginity. Cringe at that did you? Good. It's called dramatic effect. Mission: accomplished. I've chosen to start a blog. Record my memoirs. My legacy.
Okay, so it's more a collection of mindless rants and discussions (by myself...) but it's my thoughts on life nonetheless, which will become my memories, so ha, criticism averted. Mini high-five for me (again, by myself...).
So, given the growing realisation of my clear loser-loneliness, it's time to head off and at least pretend I have an interesting life to lead. Besides, you're not to know!
Have a wonderful day, Mr/Ms. Reader, I'm off to fight dragons and do some time travelling.
Wow! What an opener. Can't wait to read all the rest. You're the best Dani! 😘😘