Tuesday, 19 November 2013

It's nutritious!...

Okay, so I take full accountability for the results of my actions detailed below. It's not so much bad luck, as misfortune I brought upon myself in a moment of idiocy. Let me explain...

I take a module called 'Advanced Advertising Theory'. It's the one I spoke about previously involving the purple laptop incident, you know, the incredibly embarrassing incident we don't ever speak about. Advanced Advertising Theory is about as exciting as it sounds. And it sounds like a roller-coaster ride with a sabre-toothed tiger right? Right...

Anyway, although this may be hard to believe, at times, I lose my concentration and glance at my phone for a moment or two. In a way, it might not be my fault that this happened, because my people need me. I'm insanely popular, you see. (As if you didn't know that already).

So, as I was saying, I picked up my phone to text my Mum back, and this, this is where the trouble began.

The general idea of this module is to analyse adverts and assess their meaning, what they are trying to convey to their audience. It can be quite interesting. We began with the Cadbury gorilla ad. Good marketing. A drum playing primates set to the soundtrack of Phil Collins' 'In the air tonight'; - what's not to love? Seriously though, inspired. We then looked at the Butchers dog food advert. In this, we can establish that the food makes your dog healthy and strong. I mean, this isn't rocket science is it.

The excitement of the dog advert really got to me, and I needed a time out. This was where I reached for my phone. A quick glance at the board before I looked at my phone showed a bored cat lounging around a house, suddenly becoming energetic. Given that I'm not particularly a cat person, and that I was just a tad disinterested in the advert, I read my text, replied, and looked back up. The advert had stopped, the screen was black. Oh darn, I missed the end.

'What do you think this advert is showing?' our lecturer asked.
'I think it shows the product is nutritious' I said, attempting to break the awkward unresponsiveness of our Monday morning class.

Now this, this is the point at which I wished I'd just shut the fuck up. Hero to zero in the space of 10 seconds. I thought I was saving the class. I thought the lecturer would be thankful someone answered. I shouldn't think, is the overall moral of this story. I might as well have shouted out 'don't forget I'm the moron who picks laptops only based on colour!'.

As it turns out, the advert was for O2. Something about 'be more dog'. I still don't know, I can't bring myself to watch the ad again. I realised this about 10 seconds after speaking. My insightful 'nutritious' statement caused everyone to stare at me for a second or two, then laugh a bit assuming I was making some sort of weird joke. The lecturer gave me a 'what are you even talking about' look, gave a brief chuckle, and moved on.

Oh hi there humiliation. It's been a while. Oh wait, no, no it has not.

Lesson: shut the fuck up unless you know what you are saying. Stop playing on your phone in lectures.

Other than this, things are pretty swell.
Wedding was a success. Boyfriend still pretty wonderful (adding the 'pretty' makes me less clingy). Foot has made a full recovery. Uni? 191 days left, that's all you need to know.
It's also my birthday next week, and not too long till Christmas. Romantic movies and duvet days! And this year I have someone who will actually watch them with me. Ah the sickly sweet romance. Just like in the movies! Happy times.

Sigh. Time to get back to my mountain of Uni work. I LOVE EDUCTAION. Educaton. Edu.. School. x

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